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Relative Density S-13
Product Description
Relative Density Apparatus
Primarily meant for determination of void ratio of cohesion less, free draining soils, in loosest and densest states as per IS : 2720 (Part XIV), IS:10837. It consists of :
- Vibrating table, suitable to work with 440V, 50 Hz. Three phase power supply. Vibration deck of size 750 mm square, vibrating at a frequency of 3600 vibrations/ min under a 115 kg load and amplitude variable from 0.05 mm to 0.65 mm.
- Cylindrical unit weight mould, 3000 ml capacity.
- Guide sleeve with clamps for item (ii) above.
- Surcharge weight with handle for (ii) above.
- Surcharge base plate with handle for (iv).
- Cylindrical unit weight mould, 15000 ml capacity.
- Guide sleeve with clamp for item (vi) above.
- Surcharge weight with handle for
- Surcharge base plate with handle for (viii)
- Handle for surcharge base plate.
- Metal calibration bar 75 x 300 x 3 mm.
- Dial gauge holder
- Dial Gauge 0.01 mm x 50 mm one no.