+91 - 7982744701 info@supremeinstruments.co.in
Laboratory facilities:
Excellent workshop support is readily available for modification in equipment for any innovative testing.
Name of Tests:
Soil Testing
- Grain Size Analysis & Hydrometer
- Moisture Content and Density
- Void Ratio
- Direct Shear Tests on FMC ( on 6cm x6cm specimen) per three specimen
- Residual Shear
- Direct shear test on remoulded specimen (on 6cm x6cm specimen) per three specimen
- Permeability (Falling head)
- Triaxial shear Test ( on 38mm & 50mm specimen for three specimens)
- Unconsolidated undrained 3 specimen
- Consolidated Undraines with pore pressure measurement 3 specimen
- Consolidated Drained with volume change measurement ( 3 specimen)
- Compaction Tests on disturbed samples
- Light compaction
- Heavy Compaction
- CBR tests ( Soaked)
- Swelling Pressure
- Atterberg Limits
- Atterberg Limits& Shrinkage Limit
- One- dimensional Consolidation 0to 8 kg / cm2. Pressure & unloading
- Swell Index
- Specific Gravity
Rock Testing
- Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity
- P wave Velocity
- P and S waves Velocities
- Point Load Strength and Schmidt harness
- Brazilian Test
- Slake Durability
- Density dry / sat
- Unconfined Compressive Strength
- Triaxial shear test as rocks, NX size(5 specimens)
- Triaxial Compression ( 3 specimens)
- Joint Shear Test
- Poisson's Ratio
- Modulus of Elasticity
- Moisture Contents SMC
- Saturated moisture content
- Specific Gravity
- Uniaxial compressive strength
- Modules of deformation of rock material
- Physical Properties (Dry Density, Specific Gravity, Porosity & Saturated Moisture Content)
- Double Shear test
- Unconfined Compressive strength with deformability
- Drilling from lumps
- Cutting & Lapping