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Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus (75 mm) IS: 9376-1979
Product Description
Used for determining the Aggregate Crushing Value, The apparatus consists of a steel cylinder 75 mm dia, a plunger and a steel base plate. The surfaces coming into contact with the aggregate are case hardened.
Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus (150 mm) IS :9376-1979
..................................................................................................................................................................Tile Abrasion Testing Machine IS : 1237-1980, IS : 1706 - 1972
Used for determining the resistance of flooring tiles to wear or abrasion.
It consists of the following :-
- A grinding disc furnished with a replaceable grinding path and rotating horizontally about its vertical axis.
- A circular tray enclosing the grinding disc.
- Holding device for test specimen.
- Reduction gear coupled to a motor for operation on 220 v, 50 Hz, single phase supply electronic.
- Revolution counter. (Preset cumulative).
- A 7.5 kg weight to apply 30 kg load on specimen through lever.